St. Mark Lutheran Church ELCA

Welcoming. Serving. Growing.

Wednesdays during Lent will be held offsite at the

Siouxland Center for Active Generations

(313 Cook St. - across from Dairy Queen on Hamilton Blvd.)

New Here?

St. Mark  - a congregation of the Evangelical Church in America (ELCA) WELCOMES all and welcomes all ages to Holy Communion. St. Mark celebrates partnerships with other Christians and other faith traditions. 
 A word about our understanding of the word EVANGELICAL (meaning "good news") 

The first “evangelicals” were the courageous Christians who gathered 500 years ago around Martin Luther, the monk who taught faith insights so revolutionary that the church at the time excommunicated him as a heretic and the Protestant Reformation begain. Luther’s teachings still inspire millions, but interestingly today's North America the term “evangelicals” is now more likely to be associated with non-ELCA Lutherans.
  • Worship


    • 9:00am worship in the Sanctuary
    • 9:00am Online Facebook Live worship: Following the worship, a video recording is available if you are unable to watch during the livestream.
    • 10:00am Sunday School & Adult Learning


    • 6:00pm In person worship in the Sactuary
  • Contact Us

    Address, Phone, and Email 5200 Glenn Ave., Sioux City, IA 51106  *  712-276-2418  *

  • Newsletter

    "Markings" is a monthly  email newsletter, print  copies available in the Narthex or by mail only by request.   Markings can also be viewed through the "Markings" tab above. Contact the church office to be added to the newsletter email or to be mailed if you are not currently recieving them.

  • Facebook

  • Prayers

    To request confidential prayers for general or specific concerns or joys contact the pastor.  To request a name be added to the public  prayer list read in worship contact the church office or our prayer partners coordinator, Diane Swanson, at

St. Mark welcomes you! Most at St. Mark are "members," but many others are friends of the congregation, occasional visitors, and some are also involved in more than one church home. "Membership" is not required for full participation in the life and ministry of St. Mark.

Those interested in HOLY BAPTISM, or church membership can talk with Pastor Halaas or call the church office. New members are received at numerous times through the year. An informational session is often held prior to New Member Sunday.

We say welcome through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism...and also by "affirmation of baptism" and/or a "membership transfer" from another congregation.
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