Wednesdays during Lent will be held offsite at the
Siouxland Center for Active Generations
(313 Cook St. - across from Dairy Queen on Hamilton Blvd.)
Open conversation about life and faith ... All questions honored!
St. Mark Inclusivity Statement
We are a community that values and celebrates diversity in order to fulfill the work of the Holy Trinity. Examples of now existing diversity in our congregation, which we intend to nurture, grow, and celebrate include, but are not limited to, persons of varying race, national and ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic circumstance, mental/physical health, political persuasion, and theological perspective. As a congregation, we pledge to demonstrate not only through words, but our actions, that when we say 'all are welcome' we really mean it. Welcome!
St. Mark WELCOMES all - St. Mark welcomes ALL to Holy Communion. St. Mark celebrates partnerships with other Christians and other faith traditions. Be a part of a Christian community!
All are welcome to God's table, AND are involved in worship (by seeing, doing, learning, singing, praying, and sharing)!
Whether you want to get involved or you need some direction. We have many missions and outreach opportunities!